just now2-007

It's Friday again. And I can't get my head around the fact that it's mid-september already ?! 

What I love about the current fashion scheme, is that I feel like there is something for everyone. Obviously there are items and trends that are big - but still, I feel like you can express your own style quite freely, without being "in" or "out". And isn't that ideal?

Let's get to the Friday fives, shall we?

1. Having a major crush on knit + midi skirt combination. And with the last bits of summer sun, you can still wear them with sandals. 

2. When I was in Sardinia, I saw a lady rock golden, chunky hoops on the beach. They looked amazing, well in addition to her curly, brown Italian hair. So naturally, I had to find where I could get a pair myself. These golden hoops from Jane Koning would definitely do the job.

3. Lately I've been focusing more and more about taking care of my body. Whether it's going for a run, taking a bath or eating your greens - I want to say thank you to my body. Was inspired by this post and will definitely try dry brushing asap. It sounds wonderful.

4. Looking for a perfect winter coat? I might have just found one; this brown beauty from H&M is just the way I like my coats. A little oversized, warm and long enough, to protect you on those cold windy winter days. 

5. Here is a very inspiring instagram account to follow @stormwes.

xoxo Maria


  1. I just came across your blog and I absolutely love it! <3


    1. Thank you Cecilie !! Visited your blog too, so lovely !



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