Postcard from Notting Hill


Spring is here. 

Finally, cause I definitely feel how much the sunlight gives me energy. And that is much needed after the most hectic few months I've ever had. 

I've finally had time to be at home, clean and organize my things, make food at home and walk around my favorite streets. Most importantly I have finally had time to take care of my body and soul, by doing some yoga, running, eating better and taking care of my skin that was starting to get all unhappy.

You realise how important those simple moments spent at home are, when you don't have them enough for a while. But taking that time finally to do things I love, has given me so much inspiration and I feel like now I'm ready to share some of that inspiration here on my blog as well. 

I thought I'd start this new post series, with postcards from my travels and daily life here in London. This photo is from Notting Hill, definitely my favorite neighborhood by far and probably prettiest now that the spring blooms have arrived. Cherry blossoms and magnolias everywhere.  

xoxo Maria


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